Please post the following announcement:
Diane St. Germain
[log in to unmask]" type="cite"> 
I would like to announce that I have several immediate internship opportunities for one of your present or past, senior GMU students, or associates.
This position(s) is to advise and support, at a relatively high level, to HHS-related concerns in Washington,
Project Bioshield, et. al., on policy  and planning for countermeasures and preparedness on CBRNE and biodefense. 
These are Program Analyst positions where we are looking for experience or training in one or more areas:
C/B/R/N, emerging infectious disease, public health, health economics for medical countermeasures, biothreats,
bioD policy, radiation / injury, and medical countermeasures for various identified and predicted threats.
Additional expertise might also include RAD/Nuc / ARS / biophysics / biodosimetry, or chemical warfare. 
Analysts will join and team of the "best and the brightest", such as the Rand Corp. and Harvard U., and intergrate with HHS, DHS, DOD, VA,
USDA, NRC, DOE, and EPA, state and local govts., emergency response planners, medical experts, first responder officials,
and develop policy and opinion papers regarding various areas of concentration and current interest, mentioned above.
Although junior to mid-level in requirements, a Ph.D. is NOT required;  the positions will be at a relatively high level of association,
and should be considered highly desirable and prestigious internships.  Senior students and GMU grads, considered.
We are seeking candidates for consideration ASAP.
 Michael Rund
 Science Visions
 Atlanta regional office, GA
 Ph.: 706-867-1248
 email: [log in to unmask]
Science Visions
Ph.: 706-867-1248
email: [log in to unmask]