Location:  Bull Run Hall, 1st Floor Atrium
Winter-Fest Warmth, December 7 - 10, 9:00 am - 11:00 am
Grab a cup of hot chocolate, coffee and snacks on the go.  Free.
Claytime Cafe, December 8, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Paint your own pottery, design your own mug and create beautiful works of art.  Free.
Immigration and Human Rights Film Series
December 8, 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Location:  Occoquan, Verizon Auditorium 
Abandoned: The Betrayal of America’s Immigrants.  Abandoned sheds a light on laws that have threatened countless legal permanent residents with deportation of minor offenses in their past, through the personal stories of several asylum seekers. Immediately following the film, a question and answer session will be held.  Films are free and open to public and free light refreshments and pizza will be served.  The series is sponsored by University Life - Prince William Campus and Unity in the Community.  Take the Mason Shuttle for transportation between the Fairfax and Prince William campuses. For the schedule, visit
Rabia Ghani, (703) 993-9779, [log in to unmask]
Graduate Student Reception
December 9, 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Location:  Bull Run Hall, 2nd Floor Atrium
Free food and information on University Life programs and services.
Rabia Ghani, (703) 993-9779, [log in to unmask]
De-Stress Day
December 10, 10:30 am - 1:30 pm
Location:  Bull Run Hall, 1st Floor Atrium
De-stress with a snack, a massage and smoothies. Free. 
Rabia Ghani, (703) 993-9779, [log in to unmask]
Applied Information Technology Lecture
December 10, 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Location:  Bull Run Hall, Room 250
Implementing Technology to Support Privacy Policy, presented by Dr. Alan Harbitter.  Part of the Distinguished Professor Lecture Series. Free.
Applied Information Technology, Cindy Woodfork, (703) 993-8461, [log in to unmask]
PWC Sports Challenge
December 11, 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Location:  Freedom Aquatic & Fitness Center
Basketball, soccer, walleyball, dodgeball, tug of war, and a relay race.  All participants receive a free t-shirt.  Benjamin Green, (540) 455-9455, [log in to unmask]
Last Day of Classes
December 12
Registrar, (703) 993-2441
Final Exams
December 14 - 21