UPDATE:  The CEIE Graduate Student Event is this Wednesday 10/28 - not Thursday.  The second event is Monday, 11/9.  Sorry for any confusion.

The CEIE Department cordially invites you to attend a graduate student
welcome, orientation, and networking event this Thursday 10/28 and if
you cannot attend, again on Monday 11/ 9.  The event is intended to
give you updated information on the certificate, MS, and PhD programs
in CEIE and more importantly to answer any questions you may have
about your graduate studies.  Besides the information sessions, we
will at the end of each event also be hosting a social gathering at
Brion's Grill with free appetizers and socializing for graduate
students with CEIE Faculty.  The details are below:

, October 28 7:30-8:15 PM Welcome and Information Session
Where:  1602 Engineering Building (Ground Floor Conference Room)
Audience: All CEIE Grad students and Faculty are invited
Post-Event Networking: Brion's Grill (10621 Braddock Rd, Fairfax -
University Mall across from campus)

and also

Monday, November 9 4:30-5:15 PM Welcome and Information Session
Where:  1602 Engineering Building (Ground Floor Conference Room)
Audience: All CEIE Grad students and Faculty are invited
Post-Event Networking: Brion's Grill (10621 Braddock Rd, Fairfax -
University Mall across from campus)

RSVPs to either event are appreciated to [log in to unmask].  If you have
any questions, please feel free to contact me.  I hope you can join us
for one of these events.

 - Dr. Casey
 CEIE Graduate Coordinator
Michael J. Casey, Ph.D., P.E.
Assistant Professor
Department of Civil, Environmental,
and Infrastructure Engineering
George Mason University
4400 University Drive MS6C1
Fairfax, VA 22030
(703) 993-2091 office
(703) 993-1521 fax
email: [log in to unmask]
web: mason.gmu.edu/~mcasey4