Hi Sean,

I have never used setShuffling and after your email I was wondering what is
the difference between it and a RamdonSequence.


On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 2:48 PM, Sean Luke <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> I added setShuffling because I was asked on this list to enable a way for
> elements entered for the same timestep to be removed from the Schedule in a
> predictable order (that is, no shuffling of those elements).  However while
> the order is *predictable* it is by no means *expected* -- since the
> Schedule uses a binary heap underneath, it is *not* the case that elements
> will be stepped in the order in which they were inserted in the Schedule in
> the first place (though it is *sometimes* the case).  Because of the high
> possibility for misunderstanding, and the very low value (I think) in having
> the feature, I'm thinking of deleting setShuffling entirely and requiring
> that objects be shuffled.
> Any opinions?
> Sean

Maíra Athanázio de C. Gatti
PhD student, PUC-Rio, Brazil
King's College London