On Oct 26, 2009, at 5:29 PM, steven citron-pousty wrote:

> Thanks for your initial help - I got this running. The next problem  
> I am running into is that since we use the doLoop to instantiate the  
> class I don't have a handle to it nor can I pass in objects that I  
> want to live on after the simulations are done.

doLoop is just a convenience method meant for calling things at the  
command line: don't do use it then.  Instead of doLoop, you could just  
do something like this:

	MyApp app = new MyApp(System.currentTimeMillis());
	for(int x=0 ; x < steps; x++)	// steps is whatever you want.  Or use  
some other stopping metric.

Seriously, that simple.  The MASON simulation loop is intentionally  
simplistic.  At any rate, at the end of all this, you have the app  
variable, holding your simulation.
