Dear all,

I am trying to reproduce Koza's performance curves for some typical GP
problems implemented in ECJ, but I had a limited success. Some problems
such as simple regression have similar performance curves compared with
the ones shown in Koza I, while others (for instance, Santa Fe trail or
even 5 parity with ADFs) yields very different curves.

In theory, should ECJ examples generate the same performance curves than
those shown in Koza I/II?.

Thanks in advance,


David F. Barrero
Departamento de Automática
Universidad de Alcalá

Tlf: (34) 91-885-69-20
Web :
Jabber/GTalk: [log in to unmask]
Skype: dfbarrero

Escuela Politécnica
Departamento de Automática
Despacho E-236
Ctra. Madrid-Barcelona km 31,600
28871 Alcalá de Henares. Madrid