I'd like to set the color of the plotted line which works fine with the code below. TimeSeriesChartGenerator chart; XYSeries series[]; ..... series[i] = new XYSeries("food source" + (i + 1), false); chart.addSeries(series[i], null); // get the series for the current index TimeSeriesAttributes tsa = (TimeSeriesAttributes) chart.getSeriesAttributes(i); // every series has its own plotter XYPlot plot = tsa.getPlot(); // the first renderer is the one for the line so it is fine XYItemRenderer r = plot.getRenderer(0); r.setSeriesPaint(i, foodSources[i].getColor()); tsa.buildAttributes(); But the LabelledList (below the "Save as PDF"-button) on the left of the TimeSeriesChartGenerator does not reflect the current color choice so I've added the tas.buildAttributes() line in the code. Now I see the current color but I the fields are doubled (the fields Series, Color, Width, Dash and Stretch). I have first to remove the old items from the list but I find no method for this one. My question: Is there any way to create the series and add it with a given color set? Regards, Jörg