Greetings ABFAS List Subscribers,

The following email and attachments were submitted by Dr. Mark Kidd for your review and consideration.  Enjoy your summer and I look forward to seeing you at our first organizational meeting for Fall 2009.


Subject:  Dining4Dollars
From:     Jessica R Bailey <[log in to unmask]>
Date:     Tue, 14 Jul 2009 16:42:55 -0400
To:         [log in to unmask]

Hello, my name is JB and I am a member of the Zeta Omicron chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc, located at George Mason University. I am emailing to let you know that my chapter is having a Dining for Dollars Event this Saturday, July 18th, at Glory Days Grill in Woodbridge. This is the Glory Days Grill that is right next to Potomac Mills Mall, which now houses a COACH OUTLET!!!!!!

The premise of the event is that you eat at Glory Days of Woodbridge, once you are done ask that you donate 10% of your total towards the Fundraising event. The server will then provide you with a Guest Check, which you then will turn into me. Once I have all of the checks I will have hem redeemed, and10% of your total food cost (Non-Alcoholic drinks are included), goes as a donation to our chapter.

To clarify you will not have to pay that 10%, Glory Days will pays 10% .

Now the only limit on this event is that day, Glory Days is open from 11:00AM -12:00 AM. There is not a limit of how many people you can bring in, so if you and 15 other people like to eat and donate to the chapter we would really appreciate it. Myself and another one of the ladies from the chapter will be there during the day and evening for about 5 hours or more (1:00 PM-6:00PM at least) , so once you are done you can give us the copy of your guest check; and not have to worry about mailing them to me or what not.

I have attached a copy of the rules to the event, and the website for the restaurant is included as well.
Thank you so much for taking all of your time and I hope to see you a Glory Days!!

Ps. To-Go is also included!!

Public Relations ~ Anointed Voices of Unity Gospel Choir
Vice President ~ GMU Chapter of NAACP
President ~ Caribbean Student Association
Member of the Zeta Omicron Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc.
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.."

Mark A. Kidd, PhD
Associate Dean
University Life
Adjunct Professor, Higher Education