This email only concerns students who have advanced to candidacy and 
wish to enroll in 999 for summer.

Susan Turriziani, in the Dean's office,  will be taking a few days off 
beginning June 30th. The last day to add for summer semester is July 
2nd.  Due to staffing shortages, there will be no one in the office to 
give dissertation (999) codes.  Students who would like to enroll in 999 
for the summer should request the codes well in advance of June 30th.

Sharon Bloomquist
Administrative Graduate Coordinator
Department of History and Art History
George Mason University
Phone:  (703) 993-1248    Fax:  (703) 993-1251
Hours:  Mon - Thu, 7:30 - 4:00
Department Website:

Please apply online at: