Dear Students:
The following are two excellent opportunities for your consideration 
please notice the deadlines that are fast approaching. Thanks
The *Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute (CHCI)*, the nation's 
premier Hispanic educational and youth leadership development 
organization, is seeking applicants for its Graduate and Young 
Professional Fellowships.
Online applications are available at
<> . The Graduate & Young Professional Fellowship
Program offers exceptional Latino graduates and young professionals
unparalleled exposure to experiences in the underserved public policy
areas of health, housing, law, international affairs, and science,
technology, engineering and math (STEM). The fellowship is open to
applicants with a graduate degree from an accredited educational
institution or equivalent three years professional experience in chosen
policy field. This competitive program is comprised of a nine-month
fellowship including a substantive work placement at a legislative
subcommittee office, federal agency, national non-profit advocacy
organization, or corporate office. The International Affairs Fellowship
includes three months abroad in Mexico. Travel, health insurance and a
$2,700 monthly stipend is provided. The Graduate & Young Professional
Fellowship Program application deadline is February 13, 2009.

*Virginia Governor's Fellows Program for Seniors Interested in Public 
Service*.  March 6th deadline

Two Mason students, Cesar Vence and Beau Cribbs,  have recently 
participated in this program and had excellent experiences.  This 
program offers a funded summer opportunity for a recent college graduate 
to work for a state agency in Virginia and to gain an understanding of 
state policy issues and state employment.  The high profile, competitive 
program offers great leadership and learning opportunities.  Mason will 
offer a stipend to at least one Mason graduate to enable  his/her 
participation on the program if selected.  If you intend to apply, you 
must contact me at least a week prior to the deadline.

Deirdre Moloney, Ph.D.
Director, Fellowships and Undergraduate Apprenticeship Program
Johnson Center 245 MS 2C4
George Mason University
Fairfax VA 22032
(703) 993-2917