Dear History Graduate Students, From its earliest days the Organization of American Historians has stressed the importance of student membership and I am writing today to forward the attached letter from OAH President, Pete Daniel to graduate students in American history or American studies. It is important for graduate students to recognize the value of joining a professional organization early in their careers. I would like to call your attention to one of the most significant benefits of membership, Recent Scholarship Online. OAH members can sign up to receive free monthly automated email updates on all recent scholarship (books, articles and dissertations) produced in their specific areas of interest. Members are able to search citations from more than 1,100 history-related publications, and create a "session bibliography" that combines the results of multiple searches into a single list. The OAH has made a commitment to students by keeping rates low and providing membership benefits that will assist them today and well into the future. Please allow me to thank you in advance for your assistance in our outreach to this group of scholars. Sincerely, Lee W. Formwalt Executive Director -- **************** Mack P. Holt Professor of History Director of Graduate Studies George Mason University Mail Stop 3G1 4400 University Drive Fairfax, VA 22030-4444 Tel.: 703-993-1259 Fax: 703-993-1251