Dear Potential CGE Program Participant,

First of all, thanks for beginning an application for one of our programs!

I wanted to personally invite each of you to this fun event. Come meet
people who are in the same situation as you: wanting to study abroad
but needing to know a little more about how. You'll also hear from
students who were in your shoes this time last year and made
it work
via sufficient planning, financial aid, and scholarships.

Did I forget to mention we'll have free pizza on hand?...

See where Hanover Hall is on the Fairfax Campus by clicking here

Just remember, even if you can't make it you still have plenty of time
to apply online to our upcoming SUMMER 2009 CGE PROGRAMS.

If you plan on attending, please RSVP by replying "YES" to this email.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Kevin Stoy
Marketing Coordinator
Center for Global Education at George Mason University
Ph: (703)993-2132, Fx: (703)993-2153