Dear History Graduate Students, Dr. Meredith Lair asked me to forward this to you. Best, Mack Holt >Cold War Prize Competition > >2008-2009 > > >For the fifth year, the John A. Adams Center at the Virginia >Military Institute is pleased to announce that it will award prizes >for the best unpublished papers dealing with the United States >military in the Cold War era (1945-1991). Any aspect of the Cold >War is eligible, with papers on war planning, intelligence, >logistics, and mobilization especially welcome. Please note that >essays which relate aspects of the Korean and Southeast Asian >conflicts to the larger Cold War are also open for consideration. > >Not only do we welcome your submission of previously unpublished >pieces, but we encourage you to pass along this notice to any >colleagues or promising graduate students who might be working in >this area. > >Prizes: First place will earn a plaque and a cash award of $2000; >second place, $1000 and a plaque; and third place, $500 and a plaque. > >Procedures: Entries should be tendered to the Adams Center at VMI >by 15 June 2009. Please make your submission by Microsoft Word and >limit your entry to a maximum of twenty-five pages of double-spaced >text, exclusive of documentation and bibliography. A panel of >judges will, over the summer, examine all papers and the Adams >Center will announce its top three rankings early in the fall of >2009. The Journal of Military History will be happy to consider >those award winners for publication. > >Submissions and questions: >Professor Malcolm Muir, Jr., Director >John A. Adams '71 Center for Military History and Strategic Analysis >Department of History >Virginia Military Institute; Lexington, VA 24450 ><mailto:[log in to unmask]>[log in to unmask] >540-464-7447/7338 >Fax: 540-464-7246 > > >2007-08 Cold War essay contest > sponsored by the >John A. Adams '71 Center for Military History and Strategic Analysis > >First prize: $2000 > "The Genesis of the Sixth Fleet: The U.S. Navy and Early Cold War >Foreign Policy in the Mediterranean, 1946 - 1948" >by Michael A. Palmer, East Carolina University > >Second prize: $1000 >"In a Foreign Land: GIs, West Germans, and Refugees in Franconia, >1945 - 1960" >by Adam Seipp, Texas A & M University > >Third prize: $500 >"The Atomic Air Offensive and the Change in American Military >Tradition, 1945 - 1950" >by John M. Curatola, U.S. Army Command and General Staff College > >Honorable mentions (in alphabetical order) > >"The Quiet Death of Universal Military Training: How America Lost >an Opportunity to Close the Civil-Military Gap" >by Robert K. Dean, Norwich University > >"Lessons of the Korean War and the Public Debate over Containment >and American National Military Strategy, 1950 - 1955" >by Hal M. Friedman, Henry Ford Community College > >"Detachment Number 1: African-American Prisoners at Camp 5 during >the Korean Conflict" >by Thomas J. Ward, Jr., Spring Hill College -- ********************* Mack P. Holt Professor of History Director of Graduate Studies George Mason University Mail Stop 3G1 4400 University Drive Fairfax, VA 22030-4444 Direct office phone: (703)-993-1259 Fax: (703)-993-1251