Test #2: change the Delay of the model to something relatively slow 
(maybe 1 tick per second).  Does this still cause things to lock up?

Test #3: In the step(...) method in Display2D.java, there's a line that 
looks like this:

             if (isMacOSX && movieMaker == null)

Change this to

             if (true)

What happens then?


Pelle Evensen wrote:
> Sean Luke wrote:
>> I cannot reproduce this on the Mac, with or without the new (and much 
>> slower) Sun renderer.  So I'm guessing it's Sun's windowing code. 
>> MASON's optimizations push Java pretty hard so I wouldn't be surprised.
>> More data would be helpful.  What version of MASON are you running?  
>> Is it a snapshot or taken off of CVS?
>> Only while running is telling: this means it's probably something to 
>> do with MASON blocking waiting for a repaint.
>> Just for grins, go to sim/display/Display.java, and comment out the 
>> following line:
>>                 Utilities.doEnsuredRepaint(header);
>> Recompile and tell me if it's still doing it.
> The original test was with the V13 snapshot (with and without the 
> doEnsuredRepaint() call). We checked out the CVS version and commented 
> out the doEnsuredRepaint() call and it still hangs. With the CVS 
> version, we tested under Linux, JRE 6_0_10.
> It happens both when resizing *and* when zooming in and out several 
> steps in rapid succession. The problem is that it could hang even when 
> not doing anything strange, like an ordinary resizing or zooming operation.
> Regards,
>  Pelle