Does MASON provide any built in tools for simulating across a network  
of machines? Ie agents moving between computers. Sorry to keep  
bothering you I just have been having a hard time grasping what all is  
inherently supported.


On Sep 12, 2008, at 1:32 PM, Sean Luke <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> MASON is much more low-level than the descriptions you're  
> providing.  It is a high-performance "swarm"-style massive  
> multiagent system, and does not provide domain-specific stuff --  
> that's up to you to provide.
> As such none of the questions you're asking are really relevant  
> except for:
> > Simulated Entities
> > Environment
> In addition to various basic facilities, there are add-ons to MASON  
> for doing rigid body physics modeling, social networks, and GIS.
> Sean