In, the following code prints this stuff:

         output.systemMessage(Version.message());  /// this is the  
crucial one
         output.systemMessage("Threads:  breed/" + breedthreads + "  
eval/" + evalthreads);

You'll have to hack it.  I'll put in something in the next version to  
get around it.


On Feb 4, 2008, at 12:18 PM, Anais Martínez wrote:

> Hi. With your solutions I have been able to solve the problem  
> (thank you
> very much), but in each individual appears something like this:
> | ECJ
> | An evolutionary computation system (version 16)
> | By Sean Luke
> | Contributors: L. Panait, G. Balan, S. Paus, Z. Skolicki, R.  
> Kicinger,
> |               J. Harrison, J. Bassett, R. Hubley, A. Desai, and  
> A. Chircop
> | URL:
> | Mail: [log in to unmask]
> |       (better: join ECJ-INTEREST at URL above)
> | Date: March 20 2007
> | Current Java: 1.6.0_03 / Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM-1.6.0_03-b05
> | Required Minimum Java: 1.3
> What parameter erases the message? Thank you again.