
> In a related matter: I have a rather lengthly setup process for my
> simulation (start() method in SimState reads plenty of data from
> disk). I noticed that when running in GUI mode, I can sometimes
> hang the whole process by clicking / focusing / resizing / moving
> some of the windows (controller or displays) when simulation sets
> up. Sometimes this would also happen during runtime. Is there a
> simple fix to it?

I'm interested in seeing this happen.  Moving or resizing windows
causes repaint events, window events, and mouse events.  Thing is,
start() is called in the simplest way possible: when you press the
Play button.  This of course happens inside a mouse event in the GUI,
in a single thread, so you I think it should be impossible for MASON
to receive events and thus hang in any weird way.

This means that either a queued up collection of mouse or window
events is freaking out MASON *after* start() has completed
(unlikely), or that it's a bug in your Java implementation (more
likely -- are you using Windows?  Have you tested on Linux and/or
MacOS X?)

I'm get the freeze with example models as well, when using Windows XP (JRE 1.6 and latest JDK 1.5). I have tried to replicate the error on OS X, fortunately everything works fine there.

