Hi all, 

I am experimenting at the moment on how various replacement strategies
affect gp evolution. In particular I am examining the so-popular
generational and steady state approaches which are already implemented in
ECJ. Apart from that Ive implemented two other approaches. 
Briefly, in the intermediate approach, a X% of the population is produced 
(0<X<=90) , then the rest of percentage is filled with members from the old
population. In the greater-than-generational approach, similarly, a X%
(200<X<600) is combined with the old population, to allow the fittest part
of them as the new population.There is no multithreading , nor elitism. Even
though the populations seem to be generated and sorted as expected, I
couldnt figure out expected success rates. Anyone that might want to have a
look, I attached the two breeders in this message. Thanks v. much. 

Best Regards,