Thanks for the response Sean. Whilst looking through the java class files, I noticed that the method seems to swap a node with a compatible node already present within the tree. Is this correct? So if we have the function set { + - * % } and the tree ( + x y ), the class will only generate ( + x y ) i.e. without considering argument point-mutation? It would not generate ( * x y ) for example? I was hoping to point-mutate a tree and replace a node with a compatible node within the possible function set (not specifically the tree itself). I guess I would have to rewrite this class to perform the desired? I think I need to get a hold of Kumar Chellapilla, "A Preliminary Investigation into Evolving Modular Programs without Subtree Crossover", GP98. Is this available as a pdf somewhere on the net? The Third Annual Conference on Genetic Programming, Jul 22-25 is not available in my local university libraries. Cheers, Peter -----Original Message----- From: ECJ Evolutionary Computation Toolkit [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Sean Luke Sent: Saturday, 28 July 2007 5:15 AM To: [log in to unmask] Subject: Re: mutation (traditional and point-mutation) On Jul 27, 2007, at 2:28 PM, Peter Walker wrote: > 1) (Traditional mutation): select a random node and remove it > (along with all its children) and replace it by a randomly > generated subtree and subtree root. This is > The other two schemes I would like to implement are based on "point- > mutation". Both point-mutation schemes would start out by selecting > a node and generate a random node (e.g. symbol1) to replace it. > Symbol1 would be checked to see whether it is of the same arity as > the node. If it is, then the node would be replaced by symbol1. If > they are not of the same arity, then we would either: > > 2) Pick another symbol until we find one of the same arity; OR > > 3) Remove the node and replace it with a new subtree using > symbol1 as the root. You'll need to make a custom mutator for this that FIRST picks a replacement and THEN decides on what to do (#2 or #3). However: - will pick another node guaranteed to be of the same arity (and type equivalence) and replace the node with the new node. This is roughly equivalent to #2, as you've noted. - #1 and #3 are roughly equivalent, it'd seem. So I think you'll be writing a custom mutator -- take a look at the code of these classes to get an idea about how to go about doing this (it's nontrivial but doable!) Sean