Hi all,
Just wanted to give my thanks to the developers on behalf of myself
and the team I'm with for your work on MASON.

We're final year undergrad Computing students at the University of
Tasmania and for the past year we've been working on creating an app
to aid the Australian Antarctic Division in understanding the
distribution of krill in the Southern Ocean, in particular with
regards to the accuracy of their acoustic surveys.

We chose Mason at the start of the year as a foundation upon which to
build, and we've found it to be a well written, flexible piece of
software that made our job infinitely easier. We used Mason (fairly
heavily hacked) as the interface and engine, connecting to R via
Rserve to get distribution values for the krill in the study area.

For the curious, check out our project website at
http://www.comp.utas.edu.au/projects-sby/krill/ although it will be
updated quite a bit in the next few days, especially with information
on our second (final) release. If anyone wants to check out the final
product, let me know and I can chuck it up for download somewhere.

Thanks again,
Hugh Barker
University of Tasmania.