I've done a commit to CVS with the changes, plus some other recent  
tweaks.  Thanks Bruno.


On Aug 17, 2006, at 9:55 PM, Bruno Van Den Bossche wrote:

> Hello all,
> I believe to have found a bug in the implementation for the  
> iterator of
> sim.util.Bag (current version in the CVS)
> The problem is located in the method remove() lines 454-461
>> public void remove()
>> {
>>     if (!canRemove) throw new IllegalStateException("remove()  
>> before next(), or remove() called twice");
>>     // more consistent with the following line than 'obj >  
>> bag.numObjs' would be...
>>     if (obj - 1 >=  bag.numObjs) throw new NoSuchElementException 
>> ("No More Elements");
>>     bag.removeNondestructively(obj-1);
>>     canRemove = false;
>> }
> The remove() method in an iterator is defined as such that it will
> remove the element that was returned by the last next()-operation.
> As you can see in the code the field obj (an integer) points to the  
> next
> element that can be accessed through the iterator. So to remove the
> element the removeNondestructively method is called correctly with
> 'obj - 1' as argument.
> However, obj itself should also decremented with one.  If not, you  
> will
> skip an element for each remove operation.
> For example, the following code will not function correctly:
> Bag bag = new Bag();
> bag.add(obj1);
> bag.add(obj2)
> Iterator it = bag.iterator();
> while (it.hasNext()) {
> 	Object o = bag.next();
> 	it.remove();
> }
> You will notice that the bag is not empty at after executing this  
> while,
> although it should be.
> Fixing the problem can be done by decrementing the obj-field with  
> one in
> the remove() method.
> Kind Regards,
> Bruno
> -- 
> Bruno Van Den Bossche
> [log in to unmask]
> http://www.ibcn.intec.UGent.be