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-------------- Original message -------------- 
From: Robert Baruch <[log in to unmask]> 

> Hi Liviu, 
> Good luck on your defense! I would very much appreciate seeing your 
> work on coevolution. My particular application is evolving players 
> for the card game Mille Bornes. At first I worked with one subpop, 
> but of course that didn't really work because the system would simply 
> get stuck in a local minimum where it would win against itself half 
> the time. Sure it solved the problem, but it wasn't quite what I was 
> looking for. 
> So instead I'm working with eight subpops, hoping that each will 
> develop a different strategy to defend against the other seven. We'll 
> see what happens :) 
> Thanks for the references -- I'll definitely check them out. 
> Yours, 
> --Rob