Mike, I am in Italy now and have limited access.  I will try to respond to
this as soon as possible, or perhaps Gabriel can answer it.


On Tue, 18 Jul 2006, Michael Lees wrote:

> Hello all,
> I have a couple of questions - hopefully fairly straightforward.
> Both relate to changing the default view of the camera when using Display3D.
> Q1. I've figured out how to change the scale, using the Display3D.scale
> method. However, I haven't managed to change the view point. How do I do
> this? So for example how do I get the camera centred on (10,10,10)
> looking down/up the z axis (or whatever is default).
> Q2. I'm actually trying to centre the view at the middle of a cube (the
> view can be along any axis as long as it points to the centre of the
> cube). I would have thought it'd be possible to write a centre method
> which automatically moves the camera (and perhaps alters scale) so that
> it points at the centre of the scene (and possibly scales to fit in the
> whole scene).
> You would just need to know the smallest and largest x,y,z of all fields
> in the model.
> Thanks for the help