Sean, Liviu, Thanks for the response. Let me try to rephrase the question. How do I access the neighbors grid created by createGrids() procedure from within the code? I understand how start() recreates the grid because it calls createGrids(). My original code (copied below) was similar to what you had except I'm trying to call it from within I created a procedure within the code (mine is called for this project in CSS610) to capture the current agent population by using the colors on the grid. I've copied the code below. I call this procedure from the so I can post some population statistics onto the JFree window. What I get back is a grid with no data -- it seems I get an empty, uninitialized version of neighbors or I'm not calling the grid correctly. I already tried to move this code to the code and modifying IntGrid2D line with ((rumDil).state).neighbors with the same effect. Moses protected double[] getProportion() { int countTerrorist = 0; int countNeutral = 0; int countFriendly = 0; int population; double[] proportion = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; IntGrid2D grid2d = neighbors; int[][] c = grid2d.field; for (int x = 0; x < gridWidth; x++) for (int y = 0; y < gridHeight; y++) { c[x][y] = neighbors.get(x,y); if (c[x][y] == RED) countTerrorist++; else if (c[x][y] == GREY) countNeutral++; else if (c[x][y] == BLUE) countFriendly++; } population = countTerrorist + countNeutral + countFriendly; proportion[0] = countTerrorist/population; proportion[1] = countNeutral/population; proportion[2] = countFriendly/population; return proportion; } On May 2, 2006, at 1:08 AM, Moses wrote: > New question: I've got to access the grid created in Schelling after > createGrids(). I tried to access it through neighbors but got an > empty grid in the new function I created to access the grid. How > would I access the grid created by createGrids()? Moses, your question is not posed well enough to answer. createGrids() is called when the object is constructed, and then is called again at start(). Whenever the method is called, the grid is rebuilt from scratch. If you're trying to access the grid from an agent, you could probably do it with something like: IntGrid2D grid2d= ((Schelling)state).neighbors; int[][] theGridProper = grid.field; Sean