The George Mason University Evolutionary Computation Laboratory and Center for Social Complexity announce a new release of the ECJ evolutionary computation library and MASON multiagent simulation toolkit. Both systems have seen major improvements and revisions since the last release approximately eight months ago. The two systems are also being re-licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0. ECJ is being released in two versions: a backward-compatable version (14) and a non-backward-compatible version (15) with significant framework revisions. The dual release will (hopefully) give people some extra time to convert to the new version. ECJ 14/15 also has numerous bug-fixes, speed improvements, and a new package (spatial embedding). ECJ can be found here: ECJ CVS access is also available at SourceForge, but has experienced a major hardware failure this past week and CVS access is not expected for several days at the earliest. MASON 11 is a major revision of our multiagent simulator. It sports a new charting and tracking facility, several new problem domains, and a very large number of bug fixes and improvements. MASON can be found here: Sean Luke