Hi- I'm probably being a bit dense, but i've just fired up the ecj console to see what i can do with it, and i was wondering- what can i actually use it to change? I've managed to chage the rand seed, num of gens etc in the control tab, but don;t seem to be able to twek eg the pop size (posibly understandably) or the crossover rate etc Is there a way of being able to :a) change these parameters in the console; b) save those changes? etc is there an M where i can go and RTF how to use the console? [Image:04022006_141144_0.jpg] i've also run into grief with the gui - eg on the apps/gui/coevolve2 demo i get: [Image:04022006_141425_1.png] any pointers on how to fix this? and a quesiton from a long time ago - is there a classifier system demo/example code anywhere i could play with? and finally finally, does the ecj project accept code contributions from outside? i am an academic on a course team for a distance education university, writing a module on evolutionary computation, and am looking to use ecj. If we do go with it (i need to check the license again, probably) then our s/w developers may have a tinker with graphiocal interfaces for ecj. If they do, i would like to think the code could be contributed back... thanks tony ----------------------------------------------------------- SEE THE WICKED ROBOT INVASION MAP http://www.wickedrobots.co.uk/ ----------------------------------------------------------- Mail tags: ----------------------------------------------------------- Tony Hirst mailto:[log in to unmask] blog: http://micro-info.blogspot.com/ Dept. of ICT, Faculty of Technology Open University, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA, UK Tel: +44 (0)19086 52789, m./SMS 07709 766223 http://robofesta.open.ac.uk/tony http://www.robofesta-uk.org