A question to those of you who write ecf config scripts in your sleep: is there an obvious way of writing the config script to include a local learning step in each generation using a) a 'baldwinian' model; b) a lamarckian model? eg imagine the maxones case - i just want to add, with probability of application p, a steepest local ascent step without (in the case of a) and with (in the case of b) the inheritance of accquired characteristics also - is there a tie in with any common open source neural net packages to allow for evolutionary training of neural nets? thanks - and apologies for imposig on the good nature of the list again regards tony ----------------------------------------------------------- SEE THE WICKED ROBOT INVASION MAP http://www.wickedrobots.co.uk/ ----------------------------------------------------------- Mail tags: ----------------------------------------------------------- Tony Hirst mailto:[log in to unmask] blog: http://micro-info.blogspot.com/ Dept. of ICT, Faculty of Technology Open University, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA, UK Tel: +44 (0)19086 52789, m./SMS 07709 766223 http://robofesta.open.ac.uk/tony http://www.robofesta-uk.org