It depends on how you want to do loops. What do you mean by automatically-defined-loops exactly? It seems to me that the straightforward way is to just have a loop macro as one of your nodes, whose eval() method looks something like this: result = empty n = eval first child loop n times or until MAX_ALLOWED_LOOPS: result = eval second child return result Or you could have a while loop along these lines: count = 0; loop up to MAX_ALLOWED_LOOPS: n = eval first child if n == true then eval second child and return return empty Sean On Dec 7, 2005, at 7:55 PM, George Coles wrote: > Hi, > Can anyone point me to an example of automatically defined loops > that works with tree-based GP? Has anyone implemented loops in ECJ? > I am > contemplating beginning to add this feature to my copy of ECJ and it > seems a bit daunting. Could the ADF stack be leveraged somehow to do > this? As an aside, it seems odd that iteration and recursion are not > more popular as a topic of discussion. I expect that I will really > need > iteration, at least, in my project, and I would think that many people > would find it very valuable. > > Thanks > George Coles >