Candy, I'm not sure what you're referring to exactly.  The Schedule
should work as follows:

Each iteration
        Let t be the time of the minimum-time-scheduled agent
        For each order o from lowest to highest
                Extract all agents of time t and order o
                        Shuffle them
                        Call step() on them

If the schedule is first calling the parents and then the agents, there
can only be two possibilities.  Either you are NOT scheduling the
agents are in the same timestep and order as their parents, or there's
a bug in the Schedule.

One possible error you may have committed: the Schedule now allows you
to schedule agents for the current time().  If you do that, they're not
executed now, but at time()+epsilon.  If this is a source of user
errors, we may want to rethink our policy there.


On Jun 9, 2005, at 12:19 PM, Candy Sansores wrote:

> Hello, I am simulating a reproduction mechanism on agents every a
> determine number of ticks, the re-secheduling mechanism work fine, I
> created a steppable that schedules the new agents to execute the next
> tick, but there is a problem. I schedule the new agents the same order
> number as their parents but this doesnŽt work as I expected because the
> step mechanism first call the parents (order 0) and then all the new
> agents (also order 0). This introduces some biases on the result. I
> would
> expect all agents scheduled for order 0 be stepped randomly, even if
> they
> were scheduled dynamically.
> Is this a missing mechanism? I found a way to solve this issue but this
> meant not scheduling every agent but an agent that call them, so my
> agents
> are not steppables.
> IŽll appreciate any comment.
> Thank-You.