CYSE students-
See below. 

The AFCEA professionals coming to campus plan to talk about job opportunities with their firms and scholarships AFCEA provides.

Dr. Brouse

EVENT:  GMU AFCEA Networking Event
DATE:  Wednesday, October 23rd
TIME:  6:00PM - 7:30PM
LOCATION: Engineering Building, Room 2901

The Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association (AFCEA) is a professional association for those engaged in defense, intelligence, security, and all related technology disciplines. The organization provides early career professionals and students numerous opportunities to accelerate their careers such as training, leadership experience, and mentors to help them grow professionally.

The GMU AFCEA Chapter is hosting a networking event. Industry professionals of the Northern Virginia Chapter will be on campus to discuss details about the organization, share their career journeys, and offer career tips. Light refreshments will be provided. Come mingle with fellow classmates and expand your network! Use the link below or the QR code on the flyer to register. 

Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association

George Mason University

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