Hell DAEN Students!


This is a reminder that today, 9/5 is the last day to drop Full-Semester courses with a refund. BE AWARE – this is not the deadline for classes that run during sessions other than the full semester, and it is past the deadline to add full-semester classes. Please consider both these things before dropping any courses, and reach out to me directly if you have questions.


The full calendar of dates for all Fall 2023 sessions is available here: https://registrar.gmu.edu/calendars/fall_2023/. You are responsible for knowing these deadlines, so please review them carefully.


Best Regards,


Mary Baldwin-Slupe (she/her/hers)

Graduate Program Advisor - Data Analytics Program

College of Engineering and Computing | Volgenau School of Engineering

George Mason University



Click here to schedule an academic advising appointment with me

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