Hello ,DAEN students!
This is a friendly reminder that the Add/Drop deadline for Fall 8-week Session II GBUS courses is
October 26th. This only applies to 8-week Session II courses,
not courses running on the other 8-Week modular calendar (that some HAP courses are running on this term).
Additionally, the School of Business Graduate Policy Committee has updated the retroactive drop and retroactive withdrawal policies for graduate SBUS courses, effectively October 14, 2022. These policies have been updated on the
Graduate Policies, Procedures, and Forms website (under “Withdrawal from Classes”). You can also
click here to review the retroactive drop policy, and
click here to review the retroactive withdrawal policy.
Please proactively review registration deadlines relevant to your courses before making any registration decisions. If you have questions, please reach out to me and let me know.
Best Regards,
Mary Baldwin-Slupe (she/her/hers)
Graduate Program Advisor - Data Analytics Program
College of Engineering and Computing | Volgenau School of Engineering
George Mason University
Upcoming Out-Of-Office Dates: November 21st - November 25th, 2022
Click here
to schedule an academic advising appointment with me