Hello DAEN Students:


I’ve had several students reach out to me about having trouble finding last-minute in-person concentration electives for the fall term.  Specifically, I’ve heard from students who were enrolled in GBUS 738 (which pivoted online). Several of you have suggested you couldn’t find any in-person electives available that still had seats available.

Because of that, I’ve put together a very quick partial list of open in-person electives (as of the writing of this email). This is not exhaustive, and you can get details about these courses on the catalog page: https://catalog.gmu.edu/colleges-schools/engineering-computing/data-analytics-engineering-ms/


You can also look these courses up in Patriot Web to confirm the day and time the course will be offered; this was a quickly assembled list to help assist students seeking a last-minute in-person elective, so please excuse any possible errors in the list below. Courses are separated by concentration. 


Applied Analytics

Cyber Analytics


Business Analytics

Health Data Analytics

Computational Linguistics

Naval Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

Financial Engineering

Predictive Analytics

Statistical Analytics


Please pay attention to the listed prerequisites for the courses, and reach out to the professor of the course if you are interested in seeing a syllabus for the class itself. If you are not certain whether a certain course will fit with your path of study after reviewing the available options, please reach out to me at [log in to unmask].  


Best Regards,


Mary Baldwin-Slupe (she/her/hers)

Graduate Program Advisor - Data Analytics Program

College of Engineering and Computing | Volgenau School of Engineering

George Mason University



Click here to schedule an academic advising appointment with me


Upcoming Out-of-Office Dates: Monday, September 5th.