Hello, DAEN Students! I hope you all are having a lovely summer. I am writing to let you know I will be unavailable for most of next week. I will be getting surgery for my arm on June 14th and will be unable to access my email until the following Monday, June 20th (should things go well). When I return, I may still be responding to emails slowly as my arm heals, so I ask that you have patience with me as I recuperate and work to catch up with anything I might miss in my absence. In preparation for my absence, I want to remind students of a few important things: * Advising Appointments: I recommend that you make an appointment<https://gmu.campus.eab.com/pal/2YGg5wyJlZ> with me this week if you have any questions or concerns that are pressing. I will open my schedule back up in Mason Navigate<https://gmu.campus.eab.com/pal/2YGg5wyJlZ> once I am capable of seeing students for advising appointments again. * Emails: While I am out of the office, please do not email me directly. Instead, email [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> where our team will be able to see your requests and respond to any emergencies. * Summer Graduation: The application for Summer 2022 graduation becomes inactive on June 29, 2022, so if you're intending to graduate in summer and haven't applied yet, please apply as soon as possible. Instructions are available here<https://registrar.gmu.edu/students/graduation/process/>. * Summer 2022 Course Drop Deadlines: Please be aware of the Summer 2022 calendar<https://registrar.gmu.edu/calendars/summer_2022/> deadlines if you are currently enrolled in classes. Some session deadlines have already passed. The add/drop deadlines are not negotiable, and telling the registrar you were unaware of the deadlines will not be accepted as an excuse, so please check and double-check these deadlines. * Fall 2022 Registration: I strongly encourage you to start registering for Fall classes if you haven't already. Many courses are already full. We will be making new Computational Linguistics electives available in Fall, as well as Mechanical and Naval Engineering electives, so please reach out to me if you're interested. * Summer CPT - Please be aware it is already past the last day to register for the summer internship course, so if you are still thinking of trying for CPT this summer, please speak to me this week. I will not be able to approve CPT or OPT requests when I am recovering from surgery, so we need to speak this week. I hope you are all enjoying your summers, and I hope you have a lovely week. Best Regards, Mary _____________ Mary Baldwin-Slupe (she/her/hers) Graduate Program Advisor - Data Analytics Program College of Engineering and Computing | Volgenau School of Engineering George Mason University https://analyticsengineering.gmu.edu/academics/advising Click here<https://gmu.campus.eab.com/pal/2YGg5wyJlZ> to schedule an academic advising appointment with me Upcoming Out-of-Office Dates: Tuesday June 14th - June 20th [GMU CEC]