Hello, DAEN Students! 

The Fall 2022 schedule is now available to view in Patriot Web, so it is time to schedule a Fall 2022 advising appointment if you haven’t already. Summer 2022 registration also starts tomorrow, so if you have any questions about the Summer 2022 term, please make sure to schedule an appointment soon.

Registration Dates to Remember: 

How to Schedule an Advising Appointment:
You can schedule a virtual Zoom academic advising appointment with me through the link below.  Asynchronous email advising is available for all students as well, but please allow at least one-two business days for a response.

Schedule an Advising Appointment through Mason Navigate

IMPORTANT: Courses that run for less than the full semester (Such as GBUS courses or short summer sessions) have different Add/Drop deadlines and different tuition liability dates than full-semester classes. Please carefully review the Registrar’s Calendar for the given semester carefully for these dates, and ask your academic advisor before dropping a class to avoid tuition penalties. You are responsible for knowing these deadlines, so ask your advisor before classes begin if you have any question about the drop/add deadlines for your courses.   

Best Regards,

Mary Baldwin-Slupe (she/her/hers)

Graduate Program Advisor - Data Analytics Program

College of Engineering and Computing | Volgenau School of Engineering

George Mason University

Research Hall, Room 372, MS 6B1


Click here to schedule an academic advising appointment with me