Raymond, I suggest you contact James McDermott (http://www.skynet.ie/~jmmcd/), who can fill you in on this.
On Mar 2, 2014, at 8:14 PM, Raymond Shpeley <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> The gpsemantics readme file seems to be errant.
> * Implements Goldberg and O'Reilly's semantic Order and Majority
> * problems. See the README.
> I presume this file has information about what the problem is doing and which
> papers it references. Possibly these are the papers?
> [24] D. E. Goldberg and U.-M. O’Reilly, “Where Does the Good Stuff
> Go, and Why?,” in EuroGP 1998, W. Banzhaf, et al., Eds. Berlin:
> Springer-Verlag, 1998, pp. 16–36.
> [25] U.-M. O’Reilly and D. E. Goldberg, “How Fitness Structure Affects
> Subsolution Acquisition in Genetic Programming,” in GP ’98, J. R.
> Koza, et al., Eds. S
> -- ray