September 2013


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Sean Luke <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
ECJ Evolutionary Computation Toolkit <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 4 Sep 2013 19:58:40 -0400
text/plain (48 lines)
What's curious about this is that I also tried the tarball on the website, and after replacing the file with the properly working one (on SVN), it works great.


On Sep 4, 2013, at 5:06 PM, Marc Segond wrote:

> Dear Sean,
> I tried with the SVN version, and indeed it works.
> I tried again with the .tar.gz version, and I confirm that checkpointing doesn't work when using multithreading. It generates correctly the checkpoints, put when you try to resume from a checkpoint, it loads all the history, but then fails to start again the evaluation without printing any error or raising any exception.
> As far as I could trace it, it stays stuck waiting for a thread.
> Conclusion: use the SVN version ;)
> Best regards
> Marc
> Le 4 sept. 2013 à 17:36, Marc Segond <[log in to unmask]> a écrit :
>> On 04/09/2013 17:29, Sean Luke wrote:
>>> On Sep 4, 2013, at 11:03 AM, Marc Segond wrote:
>>>> - - launch a run with checkpointing AND more than one thread
>>>> - - try to load from any checkpoint
>>>> It gets stuck after loading the checkpoint, seems that it does not
>>>> succeed to run the evaluation.
>>> Per earlier discussion on this list, did you make the ThreadPool
>> serializable?
>> Yes, when it is not Serializable, it raises an error at execution time,
>> which is not the case.
>>> Marc, try the SVN repository version of the code rather than the
>> tarball on the website.
>>> Sean
>> I will try.
>> Best
>> Marc