As I wrote initially this isn't really serious, I just created some
features by hand with the POINT type. If, after finishing your thesis,
you wish to revisit this issue you can try out the free data from
North Carolina:
On 14 March 2013 20:41, Mark Coletti <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Wikipedia, of all things, has the ESRI shape file spec:
> According to that there should be *four* values for POINTZ types -- not
> three nor two.
> So, try splicing in this code round line 448 and see if it gets you any joy:
> else if (recordType == POINTZ)
> {
> Coordinate pt = new Coordinate(byteBuf.getDouble(),
> byteBuf.getDouble(), byteBuf.getDouble());
> // The next byte is the "measure" value which we don't
> use;
> // but read in anyway to check with debugger.
> double measure = byteBuf.getDouble();
> geom = geomFactory.createPoint(pt);
> } // ... rest of else if block
> You might have to update isSupported() to let it know that POINTZ types are
> OK.
> --
> [log in to unmask]