Dear PhD'ers.
Now that AHA is over (a milestone for Americanists, in any event) and the new semester is about to begin, I wanted to thank each of you who responded to the survey on Born Digital Dissertations sent at the end of last semester.
Sixty percent of you took the time to answer; it was really appreciated.
The results of the survey and other thoughts on the digital dissertation appear in two blog posts. But if you want the quick fix, just cut to the slideshare at the top of the second post.
If you're interested in joining discussions about digital dissertations, look for the twitter hashtag: #digidiss, an outgrowth of last summer's NEH-sponsored workshop on Building a Depository for the Digital Dissertation.
Again, thank you.
Lee Ann Ghajar
Digital History Associate
Public Projects
Center for History and New Media
George Mason University
ABD American History
Department of History and Art History
George Mason University
Fairfax, Virginia