A number of you have replied to my previous message to say that you were still planning to register for additional classes, which was good news. Indeed, the response was such that I became concerned about whether there would be enough seats left in the U.S. history classes to accommodate those who haven't yet registered. We are therefore opening up one more section in U.S. history (actually, a cross-list of an existing course). Below is a full list of courses that still have open seats; a few are U.S.-focused, and others are not. If it appears that we will need yet another new class to accommodate the demand in U.S. history, we will try to open one.
Note: in this list I did not include 602, 607, and 610, based on the assumption that many of you have already taken them. If you still need those courses, there are currently several open seats.
HIST 510 001 Approaches Modern Wrld History Stearns, Peter T 4:30-7:10
HIST 585 001 Islamic Thought and Culture Yilmaz, Huseyin W 7:20-10:00
HIST 615 010 Latin America and the U.S. Karush, Matthew T 7:20-10:00
HIST 615 013 History of Money O'Malley, Michael R 7:20-10:00
HIST 615-014 Race/Justice 20th C U.S. Smith, Suzanne R 4:30- 7:10
HIST 635 005 Witch Hunts:Erly Mod Europe Rushford, Thomas M 7:20- 10:00
HIST 640 001 Metro Cities Eur 19th/20th Cen Deshmukh, Marion M 7:20- 10:00
HIST 691 001 Museum Studies Crew, Spencer W 7:20-10:00
HIST 711 001 Slave/Abolition Atlantic World Scully, Randolph T 7:20- 10:00
HIST 711-002 Race/Justice 20th C U.S. Smith, Suzanne R 4:30- 7:10
Brian Platt
Chair, Department of History and Art History
George Mason University
Nicole A. Roth
Graduate Coordinator
History and Art History
(O) 703.993.1248
(F) 703.993.1251