Evolutionary Computation Digest - Tuesday, September 6th, 2011 Volume
25: Issue 9
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Today's Topics:
- Book Announcement: Design of Modern Heuristics
- EnviGP - Grants available
- EVO* 2012
- WIVACE2012: Italian Workshop on Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation
- JECE special issue: deadline extension (September 15)
- Special Issue on EC of Journal of Computer Science and Technology (JCST)
- JECE special issue
- EA'2011 1st call of participation
- Final CFP HIS 2011 - IEEE - Malacca
CALENDAR OF GA-RELATED ACTIVITIES: (with EC-Digest issue reference)
EUROGEN 2011, Capua, Italy, September 14-16, 20, 2011 (v25n02)
NICSO 2011, Cluj Napoca, Romania, October, 20-22, 2011
EA-2011, Angers, France, October 24-26, 2011 (v25n02)
EVO*, Malaga, Spain, April 11-13, 2012 (v25n08)
EuroGP 2012, Malaga, Spain, April 11-13, 2012 (v25n08)
Sender: Franz Rothlauf [log in to unmask]
Subject: Book Announcement: Design of Modern Heuristics
Dear Colleagues,
If you teach courses about, or are interested in, Modern Heuristics,
you are probably seeking answers to questions like
* for which types of problems you should use modern heuristics,
* how you can select a modern heuristic that fits well to your problem,
* what are common design elements of modern heuristics,
* how you can categorize different types of modern heuristics,
* what are basic principles for the design of modern heuristics, and
* how you can use problem-specific knowledge for the design of modern
The book "Design of Modern Heuristics: Principles and Application"
gives answers to these problems and teaches you how to design
efficient and effective modern heuristics. With the term modern
heuristics, it denotes improvement heuristics that can be applied to a
wide range of different problems (they are general-purpose methods)
and that use during search both intensification (exploitation) and
diversification (exploration) steps.
Thank you,
Franz Rothlauf
ps: If you, or faculty in your department, may be interested in using
this book for undergraduate or graduate courses, please contact me -
course materials will follow based on interest.
Design of Modern Heuristics: Principles and Application
Most textbooks on modern heuristics provide the reader with detailed
descriptions of the functionality of single examples like genetic
algorithms, genetic programming, Tabu search, simulated annealing, and
others, but fail on teaching the underlying concepts behind all these
different approaches.
This book focuses on the users' needs and gives answers to three
fundamental questions: First, it tells us for which types of problems
modern heuristics are expected to perform well and which ones should
be left to traditional optimization methods. Second, it teaches us how
we can systematically design the ``right'' modern heuristic for a
particular problem by providing a coherent view on design elements and
working principles. Third, it shows us how we can make us of
problem-specific knowledge for the design of efficient and effective
modern heuristics that solve not only small toy problems but also
perform well on large real-world problems.
The book is written in an easy-to-read style and aimed at students and
practitioners who want to understand modern heuristics and are
interested in a guide to their systematic design and use.
Sender: Sara Silva [log in to unmask]
Subject: EnviGP - Grants available
===== Two research grants are now available =====
===== Application deadline: 15 / Sep / 2011 =====
EnviGP - Improving Genetic Programming for
the Environment and Other Applications
Objectives / summary:
The EnviGP project is dedicated to improving Genetic Programming in
order to allow its practical usage by practitioners of different
scientific domains. It studies the issues of bloat, overfitting,
complexity and interpretability of the solutions, and a more efficient
usage of GP in multiclass classification problems. All new
developments are tested in both benchmark and real world data of
different domains including forest science and biomedical informatics.
More information on available grants:
Sara Silva
Sender: Multiple
Subject: EVO* 2012
The evo* event comprises the premier co-located conferences in the field of
Evolutionary Computing: eurogp, evocop, evobio, evomusart and evoapplications.
In 2012, the evo* will take place at the Malaga, Spain.
Featuring the latest in theoretical and applied research, evo* topics include
recent genetic programming challenges, evolutionary and other meta-heuristic
approaches for combinatorial optimization, evolutionary algorithms, machine
learning and data mining techniques in the biosciences, in numerical
optimization, in music and art domains, in image analysis and signal processing,
in hardware optimization and in a wide range of applications to scientific,
industrial, financial and other real-world problems.
The proceedings will be published by Springer Verlag in the Lecture Notes in
Computer Science series.
15th European Conference on Genetic Programming
12th European Conference on Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial
10th European Conference on Evolutionary Computation, Machine Learning and Data
Mining in Computational Biology
1st International Conference and 10th European Event on Evolutionary and
Biologically Inspired Music, Sound, Art and Design
evoapplications - European Conference on the Applications of Evolutionary
Track on nature-inspired techniques for telecommunication networks and other
parallel and distributed systems
Track on algorithms and complex systems
Track on evolutionary and natural computation in finance and economics
Track on bio-inspired algorithms in games
Track on bio-inspired heuristics for design automation
Track on evolutionary computation in image analysis and signal processing
Track bio-inspired algorithms for continuous parameter optimisation
Track on parallel and distributed Infrastructures
Track on computational intelligence for risk management, security and
defence applications
Track on nature-inspired techniques in scheduling, planning and timetabling
Track on evolutionary algorithms in stochastic and dynamic environments
Track on evolutionary computation in transportation and logistics
Submissions must be original and not published elsewhere. The submissions will
be peer reviewed by at least three members of the program committee. The authors
of accepted papers will have to improve their paper on the basis of the
reviewers' comments and will be asked to send a camera ready version of their
manuscripts. At least one author of each accepted work has to register for the
conference and attend the conference and present the work.
The reviewing process will be double-blind, please omit information about the
authors in the submitted paper. Submit your manuscript in Springer LNCS format.
The submission deadline is 30 november 2011. The other submission details are
conference specific. Please follow the instructions and links bellow.
submission link: http://myreview.csregistry.org/eurogp12/
page limit: 12 pages
submission link: http://myreview.csregistry.org/evocop12/
page limit: 12 pages
submission link: http://myreview.csregistry.org/evobio12/
evobio is interested in papers in three major areas:
1. Full research articles (maximum 12 pages)
2. System Demonstrations (maximum 8 pages)
3. Short reports (maximum 8 pages)
4. Abstracts (maximum 4 pages)
submission link: http://myreview.csregistry.org/evomusart12/
page limit: 12 pages
submission link: http://myreview.csregistry.org/evoapps12/
page limit: 10 pages
submission deadline: 30 november 2011
notification to authors: 14 january 2012
camera-ready deadline: 5 february 2012
evostar website: http://www.evostar.org
Sender: Stefano Cagnoni [log in to unmask]
Subject: WIVACE2012: Italian Workshop on Artificial Life and
Evolutionary Computation
* WIVACE 2012 *
* Italian Workshop on Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation *
* "Artificial Life, Evolution and Complexity" *
* Parma, Centro S.Elisabetta - University Campus *
* 20-21 February 2012 *
WIVACE 2012 will offer researchers in Evolutionary Computation,
Artificial Life and Complex Systems a chance to present their results
in a collaborative environment, in which knowledge can be shared based
on a multidisciplinary approach to the study and modeling of natural
biological processes. The workshop will include oral sessions, a
poster session, invited talks and a discussion panel.
We invite contributions about the theory and applications of
Evolutionary Computation and Artificial Life, with special regard to
the study of the complex processes studied by these disciplines and,
in particular, to the following non-exhaustive list of topics:
- Applications of Bio-inspired Algorithms
- Bio-inspired Computational Paradigms
- Bio-inspired Robotics
- Complex System Biology
- Emergent Behaviours
- Evolutionary Systems’ Dynamics
- Financial/Economical Systems
- Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithms
- Hybrid Optimization Algorithms
- Models of Collective Behaviour
- Parallel Implementation of Bio-inspired Models
- Self-organising Systems
- Swarm Intelligence e Artificial Ant Systems
- System Biology
Call for Papers
Two kinds of contributions will be considered:
- Communications (in English or Italian, up to 4 pages, presented as posters)
- Full Papers (in English, up to 12 pages, presented orally or as posters)
The contributions can be submitted, no later than 15 December 2011,
online at https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=wivace2012
The proceedings will be made available online and published as an
ISBN-registered CD. A selection of the full papers will be published
(possibly in an extended version) in the book “Artificial Life,
Evolution and Complexity” published by Springer.
Paper Submission: 15 December 2011
Notification of Acceptance: 10 January 2012
Final Version Due: 25 January 2012
Workshop: 20-21 February 2012
Email: [log in to unmask]
Web site: http://wivace2012.ce.unipr.it
Facebook: WIVACE2012
LinkedIn: WIVACE2012
Sender: K.E. Parsopoulos [log in to unmask]
Subject: JECE special issue: deadline extension (September 15)
Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Special issue on "Nature-Inspired Optimization in
Communications and Signal Processing"
Call for Papers
Nature-inspired optimization algorithms have attracted
a lot of attention over the last decades. They are
well-established methods in various research fields,
because they can efficiently solve hard scientific and
engineering problems. These algorithms require only
minor information about the underlying models (objective
functions). Today there are a number of established
algorithms that exhibit a plethora of applications in
almost all major engineering fields. Genetic algorithms,
evolution strategies, evolutionary algorithms, ant colony
optimization, particle swarm optimization, and differential
evolution are some of the most important methods,
counting a huge number of research works. Communications
constitute a research area where nature-inspired algorithms
have offered significant contributions. Specialized variants
of the algorithms have been used for hardware design,
data transmission, network design, routing, scheduling,
and resource allocation, offering solutions with significant
economic and social impact. Signal processing is another
field where nature-inspired algorithms have exhibited
promising results. Image processing, speech processing
and recognition, adaptive filtering, wavelet optimization,
and software synthesis are some of the problems tackled
through nature-inspired optimization algorithms, alone or in
combination with other popular computational intelligence
The present special issue is devoted to recent developments
(both theoretical and applications) of nature-inspired optimization
algorithms in any aspect of communications and signal processing.
Original high-quality papers are solicited on the application of
nature-inspired optimization algorithms. Potential topics include,
but are not limited to:
* Genetic algorithms
* Genetic programming
* Evolution strategies
* Evolutionary algorithms
* Evolutionary programming
* Ant colony optimization
* Particle swarm optimization
* Differential evolution
* Bee colony optimization
* Bacterial foraging optimization
* Artificial immune systems
* Memetic algorithms
* Cooperative/coevolutionary algorithms
* DNA computing
* Hybrid methods
* Neural networks
Before submission authors should carefully read over the journal's
Author Guidelines, which are located at
http://www.hindawi.com/journals/jece/guidelines/. Prospective
authors should submit an electronic copy of their complete
manuscript through the journal Manuscript Tracking System
at http://mts.hindawi.com/ according to the following timetable:
Manuscript Due: September 15, 2011
First Round of Reviews: November 1, 2011
Publication Date: February 1, 2012
Sender: olivetps [log in to unmask]
Subject: Special Issue on EC of Journal of Computer Science and
Technology (JCST)
Special Issue of Journal of Computer Science and Technology (JCST) on
Evolutionary Computation http://www.springerlink.com/content/1000-9000
Due to many requests we have extended the submission deadline to the *14th
October 2011*.
Evolutionary computation is now an established research field at the
intersection among artificial intelligence, computer science and operations
research. Not only has it grown hugely in its breadth, it has also
developed substantial depth in its theoretical foundations, especially in
the computational time complexity analysis of randomised (meta-)heuristics.
Such enormous growth of evolutionary computation has seen numerous
specialised journals and conferences in evolutionary computation emerging
in the last decade or so. Some of the journals in evolutionary computatio
have been consistent ranked among the top few in artificial intelligence
and computer science. For example, the two year impact factor of IEEE
Transactions on Evolutionary Computation was 4.589 in 2009, which placed it
the 2nd among 130 "Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence" journals, the
3rd among 91
"Computer Science, Theory & Methods" journals, and the 4th among all 426
Computer Science journals. According to the 5 year impact factor (7.621),
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation was ranked the 2nd, 2nd and
4th, respectively, in the above categories. However, one of the potential
risks of having such specialised journals and conferenes might be the
weakening of important communications and interactions between evolutionary
computation and other fields in computer science and technology (CST) in
This special issue, which is organised in a generic CST journal, will try
to encourage and promote closer interactions and cross-fertilisation
between evolutionary computation and other areas in CST.
Aims and Scopes
The primary aim of this special issue is to publish the very best papers
in evolutionary computation that define the state-of-the-art. Both
theoretical and application papers are welcome. For theoretical papers, we
are looking for major adavances in any aspects related to the foundations
of evolutionary computation. For application paper, we are looking for
innovative and non-trivial applications of evolutionary computation.
All areas and topics related to evolutionary computation will be
considered, including but not limited to evolutionary optimisation,
evolutionary learning, swarm intelligence, adaptive behaviours, collective
intelligence, artificial immune systems, multi-objective optimisation and
learning, constraint handling, etc.
Important Dates
Submission (extended): 14 October 2011
First revision: 30 November 2011
Second revision: 31 January 2011
Final decision: 29 February 2012
Publication: second half of 2012
Although we have planned to have three rounds of rigorous reviews, papers
may be rejected at any round. Rejected paper cannot be re-submitted to the
special issue.
Submission Procedures
All submissions must be done electronically through JCST's e-submission
system at https://mc03.manuscriptcentral.com/jcst, with a Manuscript Type:
"Special Issue on Evolutionary Computation."
Sender: K.E. Parsopoulos [log in to unmask]
Subject: JECE special issue
Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Special issue on "Nature-Inspired Optimization in
Communications and Signal Processing"
Call for Papers
Nature-inspired optimization algorithms have attracted
a lot of attention over the last decades. They are
well-established methods in various research fields,
because they can efficiently solve hard scientific and
engineering problems. These algorithms require only
minor information about the underlying models (objective
functions). Today there are a number of established
algorithms that exhibit a plethora of applications in
almost all major engineering fields. Genetic algorithms,
evolution strategies, evolutionary algorithms, ant colony
optimization, particle swarm optimization, and differential
evolution are some of the most important methods,
counting a huge number of research works. Communications
constitute a research area where nature-inspired algorithms
have offered significant contributions. Specialized variants
of the algorithms have been used for hardware design,
data transmission, network design, routing, scheduling,
and resource allocation, offering solutions with significant
economic and social impact. Signal processing is another
field where nature-inspired algorithms have exhibited
promising results. Image processing, speech processing
and recognition, adaptive filtering, wavelet optimization,
and software synthesis are some of the problems tackled
through nature-inspired optimization algorithms, alone or in
combination with other popular computational intelligence
The present special issue is devoted to recent developments
(both theoretical and applications) of nature-inspired optimization
algorithms in any aspect of communications and signal processing.
Original high-quality papers are solicited on the application of
nature-inspired optimization algorithms. Potential topics include,
but are not limited to:
* Genetic algorithms
* Genetic programming
* Evolution strategies
* Evolutionary algorithms
* Evolutionary programming
* Ant colony optimization
* Particle swarm optimization
* Differential evolution
* Bee colony optimization
* Bacterial foraging optimization
* Artificial immune systems
* Memetic algorithms
* Cooperative/coevolutionary algorithms
* DNA computing
* Hybrid methods
* Neural networks
Before submission authors should carefully read over the journal's
Author Guidelines, which are located at
http://www.hindawi.com/journals/jece/guidelines/. Prospective
authors should submit an electronic copy of their complete
manuscript through the journal Manuscript Tracking System
at http://mts.hindawi.com/ according to the following timetable:
Manuscript Due: September 15, 2011
First Round of Reviews: November 1, 2011
Publication Date: February 1, 2012
Sender: Laetitia Jourdan [log in to unmask]
Subject: EA'2011 1st call of participation
EA'2011- Call for Participation
The Biennial International Conference on Artificial Evolution (EA-2011)
October 24-26, 2011. Angers, France
The conference EA'2011 will be held in Angers, France from 24 to 26
October 2011. Original works relevant to artificial evolution,
including but not limited to: Evolutionary Optimization, Evolutionary
Computation, Co-evolution, Artificial Life, Population Dynamics,
Theory vs algorithmics and modelling, Implementations, Application of
evolutionary paradigms to the Real World (industry, biology,...),
Applications to biosciences, bioinformatics, understanding and
treating diseases, drug design and pharmaceutical industry, Other
biologically-inspired paradigms (swarm, ants, artificial immune
systems, ...), Memetic algorithms, multi-objective optimization,
constraint handling, parallel algorithms, Machine Learning and
hybridization with other soft computing techniques will be presented
at the conference.
Accepted papers
The list of accepted papers are available at
Registration is now open http://www.info.univ-angers.fr/ea2011/registration.php
Until 10 october 2011:
* EUR 250 for students
* EUR 350 for other academics participants
* EUR 400 for industrials participants
The City of Angers is located on the Western Edge of France, in the
area of Loire Valley (Vallée de la Loire), which
is part of UNESCO world heritage. From Paris, Angers can be reached
easily by the TGV (High Speed Train) in one and half hour. It can also
be reached from the City of Nantes by train in 40 minutes (Nantes
Atlantic Airport is 30 minutes away from Nantes railway station).
Important dates
* Registration (low rate): October 10 2011
* Conference: October 24-26 2011
Sender: Ajith Abraham [log in to unmask]
Subject: Final CFP HIS 2011 - IEEE - Malacca
Extended Deadline for Paper Submission: September 20, 2011
Notification of Acceptance: October 15, 2011
Camera ready submission and author registration: October 31, 2011
11th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS'11)
Melaka, Malaysia
December 5-8, 2011
WWW: http://www.mirlabs.org/his11
http://www.mirlabs.net/his11 (mirror site)
http://www.mirlabs.org/his10 (past event)
Hybridization of intelligent systems is a promising research field of modern
artificial/computational intelligence concerned with the development of the
next generation of intelligent systems. A fundamental stimulus to the
investigations of Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS) is the awareness in the
academic communities that combined approaches will be necessary if the
remaining tough problems in artificial/computational intelligence are to be
solved. Recently, Hybrid Intelligent Systems are getting popular due to
their capabilities in handling several real world complexities involving
imprecision, uncertainty and vagueness. HIS'11 builds on the success of last
year's. The 4-day conference will feature prominent keynote speakers,
workshop, tutorials, poster and paper presentation in parallel tracks. HIS
2011 invites novel contributions/papers of hybrid intelligent systems from
fundamental aspects to various practical applications.
** Hybrid Intelligent Systems: Architectures **
Interactions between neural networks and fuzzy inference systems.
Artificial neural network optimization using global optimization
Fuzzy clustering algorithms and optimization techniques.
Fuzzy inference system optimization using global optimization algorithms.
Hybrid computing using neural networks - fuzzy systems - evolutionary
Hybrid optimization techniques (evolutionary algorithms, simulated
annealing, tabu search, GRASP etc.).
Hybrid of soft computing and statistical learning techniques.
Models using inductive logic programming, logic synthesis, grammatical
inference, case-based reasoning etc.
Autonomic computing.
Hybridizatiion with novel computing paradigms: Qantum computing, DNA
computing, membrane computing etc.
** Hybrid Intelligent Systems: Applications **
Image and Signal Processing
Internet Modeling, Communication and Networking
Data mining
Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
Business Information Systems
Control and Automation
Special topics
Author Guidelines:
Submission of paper should be made through the submission link in HIS 2011
official website or the easychair conference system at:
Please refer to the conference website for guidelines to prepare your
manuscript. All accepted papers will be compiled in conference proceedings
published by the IEEE. It is mandatory at least an author registers for
every paper that is included in the conference proceedings. Proceedings will
be made available during the conference.
Sender: Patrick SIARRY [log in to unmask]
Subject: Special Issue of CIPLS in Production and Logistics Systems
International Journal of Production Economics
“Computational Intelligence in Production and Logistics Systems (CIPLS)”
In connection with the 2011 IEEE Workshop on Computational
Intelligence in Production and Logistics Systems (CIPLS 2011), which
was held at the IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence in
Paris this April, we would like to announce a call for papers for a
special issue on this theme in the International Journal of Production
Economics (IJPE).
The management of production and logistics systems in today’s fierce
competition environment is a difficult task and has become
progressively complex. Major changes in products, processes,
technologies, and societies bring along remarkable challenges and
increasing market demands. Modelling and optimisation of the complex
problems arising in production and logistics systems is of paramount
importance in surviving and achieving competitive gains in
productivity and quality.
Within this context, CIPLS aims to address issues related to the
design, planning, control, and continuous improvement of production
and logistics systems using computational intelligence. In this
special issue, we solicit original, high quality papers presenting
substantial results on the development and implementation of novel
approaches based on exact, heuristic, and/or meta-heuristic
techniques. This includes local search methods (e.g., tabu search,
variable neighborhood search, large neighborhood search, scatter
search, etc.), evolutionary algorithms (e.g., genetic algorithms,
memetic algorithms, etc.), and other nature inspired optimisation
methods (e.g., ant colony optimisation, particle swarm optimisation,
neural algorithms, etc.) as well as hybrid techniques and
hyper-heuristics. Our intention is to cover the full spectrum of
production from aggregate planning to shop-floor execution systems and
modelling, planning and control of logistics systems. We would
particularly like to encourage the submission of studies incorporating
real-world applications.
Recommended topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
· Production planning and control
· Flexible manufacturing systems
· Integrated production system and process design
· Capacity planning
· Lot sizing
· Assembly lines
· Production scheduling
· Inventory control
· Facilities planning and design
· Transport and distribution planning
· Vehicle routing and scheduling
· Multi-modal transport
· Sustainability and green logistics
· Logistics network design
· Decision support systems in production and logistics
Manuscript Preparation and Submission
To prepare their manuscripts, authors are asked to closely follow the
IJPE “Guide for Authors” at
Authors should submit their papers via the EES
<http://ees.elsevier.com/ijpe> and select “Special Issue: CIPLS” when
asked to indicate the “Article Type” in the submission process.
Submitted papers should not have been previously
published nor be currently under consideration for publication
elsewhere. Manuscripts will be refereed according to the standards of
Publication Schedule
Deadline for submission: January 31, 2012
First review due: May 31, 2012
Revised manuscript due: July 31, 2012
Final manuscript submissions to the Publisher: October 31, 2012
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End of Evolutionary Computation Digest