On Jun 20, 2010, at 5:40 PM, recent:[log in to unmask] wrote:
> 1) In the app "Flockers", how should I revise the code so that I can
> change the colorful triangle to a png file which is provided by
> myself?
No sweat. Check out sim.portrayal.simple.ImagePortrayal2D. You'd
register that portrayal in the ContinuousPortrayal2D instead of the
Flockers drawing themselves. If this terminology is confusing, check
out the MASON tutorials. See MASON's tutorial 5 in particular.
> 2) In the app "Flockers", how should I revise the code so that I can
> change the black background to a jpg file which is provided by myself?
Also straightforward. Check out the docs/howto.html file, which has a
number of items along these lines.