Please note this message applies only to those who will be on
assistantship next year.
Please let me know your preferences for assistantship assignments next
year. I will pass these requests on to Brian. Please note that you are
not guaranteed to receive the assistantship you have requested, as we
must fill all positions.
The following are available positions:
Hist 100 W. Civ (TA grader position)
Hist 100 W. Civ (TA grader and leader of discussion sections)
Hist 125 World Hist (TA grader and leader of discussion sections) -
Steve Harris Scott and Nona Martin have held these positions before if
you would like to discuss it with them.
RA Position at CHNM
RA Position at Mount Vernon - Gwen White and Maureen Connors have held
these positions for the past two years if you want to discuss it with them.
SPRING ONLY - Teaching Fellow - For a student on assistantship who has
or is close to advancing to candidacy - You will teach your own course
with a relatively limited enrollment. Please send also a proposed topic
and brief one-paragraph course description of the course you propose to