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November 2009


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Mack Holt <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Tue, 17 Nov 2009 08:25:00 -0500
text/plain (49 lines)
Dear Graduate Students,

Essays in History, the annual journal of the University of Virginia's
Corcoran Department of History, is currently soliciting articles and
book reviews for its forty-fourth issue, to appear in the spring of

Under the auspices of the Virginia Center for Digital History (VCDH),
Essays in History (EiH) was re-launched in 2008, celebrating over
fifty years since its establishment in 1954. With the support of the
Corcoran Department of History, EiH continues its tradition as a
source of high-quality historical work by graduate students and
outstanding undergraduates.

Our 2009 issue features articles on popular print and the English New
Model Army, memory in the post-Civil War U.S. South, and sorcery in
early modern France.  It also includes reviews of scholarly works from
a range of fields.  In 2010, in addition to publishing several
articles by graduate students, we also aim to publish one outstanding
undergraduate essay and multiple book reviews representing all fields
of historical inquiry.

If you would like to learn more about the journal or view our most
recent issue, please visit our website:
http://www.virginia.edu/history/EIH/ .

Essays in History can be contacted at [log in to unmask]
The deadline for article and book review submissions is February 15,

With best wishes for the rest of the term,

Peter C. Luebke, Andrew Meade McGee, and Daniel I. Wasserman
for Essays in History
Mack P. Holt
Professor of History, Director of MA Program
Dept. of History and Art History
Mail Stop 3G1
George Mason University
Fairfax, VA 22020-4444

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