Here's what I have so far -- let me know if I've gotten anything wrong or if you want to add to the list. If you want to catch on with one of these, contact one of those involved.
Registration starts two weeks from today. No course listings in Patriot Web as of this morning.
Mark Phillips, 804, 20th Century War and
Society, Dr. Hamner
Alex Lesanu, 803, Soviet History, Dr. Barnes
Gifford, 803, Civil War, Dr. Hamner
Kellie Bradshaw, Gender and the
Atlantic World, probably 17th/18th Century, Dr. Manuel-Scott
----- Original Message -----
From: Tracy L Fisher <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Wednesday, October 14, 2009 9:05 am
Subject: Collecting Up Info on 803s and 804s for Spring 2010
> If you're planning on doing an 803 or 804 that others could join
> for the spring semester, and you send me the professor, the topic,
> and the time period, I'll collect up the info and send it back
> around to everyone so that others can latch on if all involved
> concur.
> -Tracy