This Week in Career Services, October 26th
1. Upcoming workshops
2. International Students Workshop Days
3. Hot Jobs!
4. Women for Hire Career Expo
5. Academic Affairs Internship
6. The Career Tap: Restaurant management & the culinary arts
1. Upcoming workshops
Planning for Grad School
Monday, Oct 26 12:15 - 1:15 p.m. SUB I, Rooms B & C
Behavioral Interviewing
Tuesday, Oct 27 5:30 - 7 p.m. SUB I, Rooms A & B
Federal Government Job & Internship Search
Thursday, Oct 29 5:30 - 7 p.m. JC, Room A
For a complete list of workshops and events visit our calendar.
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2. International Students Workshop Days
Need help searching for jobs? Interested in a co-op? Prepare for your job
or internship search by attending these "how to" workshops on October 30
and November 6. Join us for one or all of these sessions. Registration is
not required. All students are welcome.
Friday, October 30 in JC, Room A, 3rd Floor
Job Search Strategies & F-1 Employment Options 10 - 11:30 a.m.
Resume and Cover Letter Writing for International Students 11:45 a.m. -
1:15 p.m.
See a list of the workshops on day two, November 6.
Cosponsored by University Career Services, the Graduate International
Student Association and the Vietnamese Student Association
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3. Hot Jobs! Featured OCI positions
The resume submission deadline for these On-Campus Interview positions is
Wednesday, October 28.
Naval Surface Warfare Center Carderock Division
Positions: various engineer positions
BIAP Systems
Position: junior software engineer
Computer Sciences Corporation
Position: accountant
Position: Supervisor Leadership Program
Insight Global
Position: account manager
Search for these and other positions on PatriotJobWeb. Learn more about on-
campus interviewing.
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4. Women for Hire in Washington, D.C.
Thursday, Oct 29
10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
The Almas Temple at the Hamilton Crowne Hotel
1315 K Street, NW
Washington, DC 20005
In this economy, networking and meeting face-to-face with employers should
be at the top of every job seeker's to-do list. You can make it happen at
the Women for Hire Fall 2009 Career Expo!
This is the perfect place for you to meet directly with top employers,
glean valuable career tips at our ongoing career workshops and perhaps get
feedback on how to make your resume shine.
*Free admission
*Free career seminars
*Free resume critiquing
*Resumes and business attired required for admittance
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5. Academic Affairs Internship with Envision EMI
Interns on the Academic Affairs team will be responsible for research and
writing to contribute to development of curricular materials. This will
include the development of briefing sheets, country and topic overviews and
other projects as needed. Hours are flexible from 10-40 hours per week.
This is a paid position: $10 per hour. Note: This is an in-office position.
Position Requirements:
• Major in history, political science, international relations, English or
similar field
• Strong research, writing and editing skills, including internet research
• Detail oriented with ability to prioritize and work on various projects
• Interest in international relations
• Knowledge of leadership skills
• Strong oral and written communication skills
• The ideal candidate has experience working with educational programs,
preferably for high school students.
• The ideal candidate is creative, versatile and flexible
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6. The Career Tap: Restaurant management & the culinary arts
Tune in to WGMU tomorrow, October 23rd for The Career Tap at 11 a.m. Brad
Nelson, VP of Culinary and Corporate Chef for Marriott will be interviewed
on careers in restaurant management and the culinary arts.
Missed a show? Listen to past episodes on iTunesU.
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Career Services ... Connecting to Your Future
SUB I, Room 348 703-993-2370