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September 2009


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"Stephanie A. Barnett" <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 14 Sep 2009 08:50:16 -0400
"Stephanie A. Barnett" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (118 lines)
This Week in Career Services, September 14th 


1. Upcoming workshops
2. Interview Practice with Employers
3. OCI: Featured Positions
4. NEW walk-in hours
5. Job Fair volunteers connect with employers
6. How would I score?
7. Info session rescheduled

1. Upcoming workshops and events
How to Research Employers
September 14, Monday 4:30-5:45pm JC, Room C

Resume & Cover Letter Writing
September 14, Monday 5:45-7:15pm JC, Room C

Mason Showcase of Graduate Programs
September 16, Wednesday 6-9pm JC, Dewberry Hall

Planning for Graduate School
September 16, Wednesday 6:15-7:15pm & 7:15-8:15pm JC, Room E

Orientation to On-Campus Interviewing (OCI)
September 17, Thursday 12:15-1:15pm SUB I, Room 348

For a complete list of workshops and events visit our calendar.
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2. Interview Practice with Employers
To land a job you have to answer some tough questions. Improve your 
interviewing skills by practicing with area employers visiting campus.

To set up an appointment, log in to PatriotJobWeb and click on "Campus 
Interviews I Qualify For." Call 703-993-2370 for more info.

Upcoming interview dates:
Tuesday, September 15
Friday, September 25
9:30am - 3pm in SUB I, Room 348
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3. On-campus Interviewing: Featured Positions
Employer: Beers and Cutler
Position: Staff Consultant

Employer: The Track Group
Position: Federal Sales Account Manager

Employer: New York Life
Position: Financial Services Professional

Learn more about on-campus interviewing by attending our Orientation to OCI 
workshop on Thursday, September 17 from 12:15-1:15pm in SUB I, Room 348.
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4. NEW walk-in hours

Stop by for a short visit with a career counselor. Walk-ins are done on a 
first come, first served basis. Examples of walk-in topics:

Resume or cover letter critiques
Quick questions on job or internship searches, interviewing or networking
Using PatriotJobWeb, including questions on how to set up a search agent

Walk-in Schedule
Mondays 2 - 4 pm
Tuesdays 10 am - noon (and 4:30 - 6:30 pm when classes are in session)
Wednesdays 2 - 4 pm
Thursdays 2 - 4 pm
Fridays 10 am - noon
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5. Job Fair volunteers connect with employers

Over 130 employers will be participating in this semester's Job & 
Internship Fair. That's 130 different employers to connect with by 

We're looking for students to greet employers, check-in students and work 
the loading dock (which is reimbursed). Positions are available on October 
7th and 8th in the morning and afternoon. Email or call Rebekah Truog at 
703-993-2370 for more info.
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6. How would I score?


You are invited to Kaplan's FREE Practice Test at Mason on Sunday, October 
25. This is a terrific opportunity to answer a critical question, "If I 
took the exam today, how would I score?" Tests are administered under test-
like conditions, and you will receive a detailed score analysis of your 
performance. Register online or by phone at 1-800-KAP-TEST.
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7. Info session rescheduled

The Booz Allen Hamilton info session scheduled for September 15th has been 
reschedule to October 15th. Please look in the Events section of 
PatriotJobWeb for details.
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Career Services ... Connecting to Your Future
SUB I, Room 348     703-993-2370