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March 2009


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"Mack P. Holt" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Mack P. Holt
Thu, 12 Mar 2009 15:20:00 -0400
text/plain (94 lines)
Dear History MA and PhD Students,

Please respond to Steve Jones directly if you are interested in this.

Mack Holt

>Date: Thu, 12 Mar 2009 13:51:29 -0400
>From: "Jones, Steven CTR" <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Living History opportunities in the DC area
>Sender: [log in to unmask]
>To: [log in to unmask], [log in to unmask], [log in to unmask]
>Thread-topic: Living History opportunities in the DC area
>Thread-index: Acmhz1GDXtBn8W/nQNOPimtVDLdMig==
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>Professors Bristol, Holt, and Barnes,
>I am on the board of a local living history/re-enactment group that 
>may hold some appeal to George Mason students (or even faculty). 
>Ship's Company is a relatively large organization of its type, 
>offering a unique program with benefits to the participants and to 
>the public.
>Our mission is: "To preserve and interpret the history and tradition 
>of the US Naval services for the education of the public." In 
>particular, we represent sailors and marines from the year 1775 to 
>1865. This is accomplished in two major groups.
>The Early War group participates in living history and battle 
>re-enactments of the Revolution and the War of 1812. As such, we 
>help interpret the details of the battles which occurred in this 
>region and demonstrate maritime crafts and activities to the public. 
>Naval artillery units participated in several land battles in this 
>region, and we retell the stories, man our field cannon, and ferry 
>soldiers and marines to and from the beaches.
>The Civil War group mans the U.S.S. Constellation in Baltimore once 
>a month, to enhance their program with demonstrations of seamanship, 
>cutlass drill, cannon drill, living condition representations and 
>the like.
>I am writing you to seek new recruits. We have noticed that with the 
>bicentennial of the War of 1812 coming up, interest has been 
>growing. Our group offers opportunities to learn about this part of 
>our past while rowing one of our boats, sailing our 50 foot 
>schooner, manning a 6 pound field piece, camping in a tent or 
>sleeping in a hammock. It is great fun, and I have personally 
>learned much about our country's history while doing it.
>We also offer a very low personal start-up investment, when compared 
>with army re-enactors. Muskets are not required, enlisted sailors 
>did not have uniforms until 1840, so clothing can start simply, and 
>dues are $15 per year. Civil War sailors have more involved uniform 
>requirements, but still affordable by college students. There are no 
>requirements regarding participation - some members only join us for 
>one event a year.
>Our web-site is www.shipscompany.org. If you think there might be 
>any interest among your students, let me know. I would be willing to 
>speak with a group on the subject or even sing a few chanteys if 
>desired. The president and other points of contact are listed in the 
>site. We can provide 'recruitment posters' if they could find a home 
>on campus. If there isn't any interest at all, we can always send a 
>Thanks for your time,
>Steve Jones
>Member-at-Large, Ship's Company
>571-259-7070 cell
>[log in to unmask]

Mack P. Holt
Professor of History
Director of Graduate Studies
George Mason University
Mail Stop 3G1
4400 University Drive
Fairfax, VA 22030-4444
Direct office phone: (703)-993-1259
Fax: (703)-993-1251