Greetings, all,
After our unusual hiatus, the PhD colloquium schedule for the remainder of the semester follows:
Monday, March 30, Cynthia Hooper, College of the Holy Cross and Kennan Institute for Advanced Russian Studies - talking about the Soviet terror apparatus
Monday, April 6, Paul Escott, Wake Forest University, "The Lincoln Icon: Thinking about Myth and Reality in Our History"
Monday, April 27, Presentation of Dissertation Prospectuses
Monday, May 4, Presentation of Dissertation Prospectuses (THIS LAST MEETING WILL START AT 5PM AND WILL BE IN SUB II, VIP 2)
All meetings are from 5:30-7pm in Johnson Center Meeting Room G with the exception of the May 4 meeting as noted.
Aloha from Hawaii,
Steve Barnes
Steven A. Barnes
Assistant Professor
Ph.D. Director in History
Department of History and Art History
George Mason University
MS 3G1
Fairfax, VA 22030
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