I cannot reproduce this on the Mac, with or without the new (and much
slower) Sun renderer. So I'm guessing it's Sun's windowing code.
MASON's optimizations push Java pretty hard so I wouldn't be surprised.
More data would be helpful. What version of MASON are you running? Is
it a snapshot or taken off of CVS?
Only while running is telling: this means it's probably something to do
with MASON blocking waiting for a repaint.
Just for grins, go to sim/display/Display.java, and comment out the
following line:
Recompile and tell me if it's still doing it.
Pelle Evensen wrote:
> The hanging only happens when the simulation is running.
> I can quickly produce the hang from the previous post by grabbing the lower
> left corner to resize and then move around violently for at most a few seconds.
> Regards,
> Pelle